#90 Intro - Six Day NC Coast Bicycle Trip
Follow my six day ride from Fort Morgan / Atlantic Beach NC to Sunset Beach NC - 5-15-21 – 5-20-21
There’s a pleasure in traveling solo,
in establishing your own tempo,
in delighting in your own spontaneity,
in discovering your own voice,
in reacquainting yourself with yourself.
-Sprawl 9/4/21
My tires roll down North Carolina’s coastline, nostalgic flashes from my childhood bicycle adventures clash with memories of long-distance day rides from the past fifteen years .
The freedom of bike touring mingled with exploring new places is a dream come true for those of us who still harbor a child-like sense of wonder.
As children we are limited by rules set by others as to how far we can go, though any good pioneer goes beyond the boundary lines that are set for them.
As adults the boundaries are nearly limitless; restricted only by our physical capabilities, our budgets, our time commitments, our imaginations, our bravery, and maybe the law.
I want to invite you to roll with me on a six-day unsupported solo bike ride along the southern half of North Carolina’s coastline in the spring of 2021. We’ll sleep on sand, meet unique people, watch ocean sunrises, learn about new places, maybe learn a little about ourselves.
Unanticipated life lessons wait on the horizon.
Uncontemplated life directions reveal themselves.
New worlds open to those who seek them.
I want to take a moment, to thank everyone who has taken time to read my weekly stories. You have no idea how much I appreciate all of you and your support. Believe it or not, so much of what happened on this ride ties the future and the past together, answers a lot of questions, and give me new directions. You will see some of them as this story unfolds.
I want to take another moment to encourage everyone else to become a subscriber. If you pay the rate of $5 per month ($50 per year), you will have access to every post while helping me continue creating stories to write. I understand things are tough finance-wise these days, and there is a free option that allows you to read some content if the monthly/yearly charge isn’t something you can do now. Either way, thank you for your support, and for reading what I write.